第一层:CRC32 碰撞
打开题目压缩包,有三个 6 字节的文件,猜测是要根据这三个文件的 CRC32 值碰撞获得内容。
利用 脚本 碰撞得到密码:_CRC32_i5_n0t_s4f3
keys.txt 中包含了密钥,找到密钥解密 ciphertext.txt。
先去 在线解密网站 解一下,出来一个很像的,但还是差一点,在 keys 中找相近的 key。
Clear text using key "yewrutewcybnhhipxoyubjjpqiraaymyoneomtsv":
the getenere cilger is a method of thensating alphamagic text bu tsing a series of schbycent caesar nechers basac on the letters ou u mashord it is a sticle form ob oolyalphabetic hodonttution so plofword is vefenere cipher fucha
-- MESSAGE w/Key #1 = 'yewcqgewcybnhdhpxoyubjjpqirapsouiyeomtsv' ----------------
the vigenere cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of different caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword it is a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution so password is vigenere cipher funny
第三层:sha1 碰撞
import hashlib
import itertools
import string
def sha1(s):
sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1()
return sha1_hash.hexdigest()
def check(s):
if s[0:7] == "619c20c" and s[8] == "a" and s[16] == "9":
matched = True
return matched
letters = itertools.product(string.printable, repeat=4)
for i in letters:
password = "".join((i[0], "7", i[1], "5-", i[2], "4", i[3], "3?"))
# print(password)
hash = sha1(password.encode("utf-8"))
if check(hash):
第四层:md5 相同文件不同
搜到一篇 文章,下载里面的两个程序,运行一下。
openssl rsa -pubin -in rsa_public_key.pem -text -modulus
看了下,e 很大,应该是 wienerattack,找到利用脚本。
Created on Dec 14, 2011
@author: pablocelayes
import ContinuedFractions, Arithmetic, RSAvulnerableKeyGenerator
def hack_RSA(e,n):
Finds d knowing (e,n)
applying the Wiener continued fraction attack
frac = ContinuedFractions.rational_to_contfrac(e, n)
convergents = ContinuedFractions.convergents_from_contfrac(frac)
for (k,d) in convergents:
#check if d is actually the key
if k!=0 and (e*d-1)%k == 0:
phi = (e*d-1)//k
s = n - phi + 1
# check if the equation x^2 - s*x + n = 0
# has integer roots
discr = s*s - 4*n
t = Arithmetic.is_perfect_square(discr)
if t!=-1 and (s+t)%2==0:
return d
# TEST functions
def test_hack_RSA():
n = 460657813884289609896372056585544172485318117026246263899744329237492701820627219556007788200590119136173895989001382151536006853823326382892363143604314518686388786002989248800814861248595075326277099645338694977097459168530898776007293695728101976069423971696524237755227187061418202849911479124793990722597
e = 354611102441307572056572181827925899198345350228753730931089393275463916544456626894245415096107834465778409532373187125318554614722599301791528916212839368121066035541008808261534500586023652767712271625785204280964688004680328300124849680477105302519377370092578107827116821391826210972320377614967547827619
d = hack_RSA(e, n)
print "d=" + str(d)
if __name__ == "__main__":
算出 d 后生成私钥解密。